


中国国际暖通高峰论坛 - 低碳能源未来发展国际会议(点击查看详情)

iHVAC - International Conference of the Future Development of Low Carbon Energy


The 2nd National Design Institute Chief Engineers Technical Forum

2024 年中国暖通产业峰会暨新渠道变革高峰论坛(点击查看详情)

2024 China HVAC Industry Summit & New Channel Transformation Summit Forum


Sharing Meeting on HVAC Industry Bidding Trends and Projects

装饰设计师论坛 - 大宅舒适系统应用(点击查看详情)

Decoration Designer Forum - Application of Luxury House Comfort System

获客 · B 端跨境电商新机遇发展论坛

Client Acquisition: New Growth Opportunities in B2B Cross-Border E-commerce

水电工 · 从原点出发向舒适家居(点击查看详情)

Plumbing and Electric - Moving towards Comfortable Home from the Point of Origin

2024 蓄热储能技术交流会(点击查看详情)

The Release of 2024 Thermal Storage Development Report


The 2nd Commercial Building Low-carbon Sustainability Workshop

2024 第二届氢能暨多能耦合供热发展论坛(点击查看详情)

The 2nd Hydrogen Energy & Multi-energy Coupled Heating Development Forum

煤改电与集中供暖 BOT 市场项目与投资高峰论坛(点击查看详情)

Coal-to-Electricity and Central Heating BOT Market Project and Investment Summit


Five-constant System Application Discussion Meeting

中国燃气采暖热水炉行业 G20 产品专区论坛(点击查看详情)

China Gas Heating and Hot Water Boiler Industry G20 Products Section Forum 


Discussion Meeting of National Burner Service Engineer Alliance


Marketing Positioning and Schools of Technology of Five-constant System


Villa, Cogeneration, New Three-Constant, Sterile Hot Water Technical Seminar

中国国际暖通高峰论坛 -“热泵助力发展新质生产力”技术论坛暨《2023 年中国热泵产业发展年鉴》发布会(点击查看详情)

iHVAC - "Leveraging Heat Pumps for New Quality Productive Forces" Technology Forum and the "2023 China Heat Pump Industry Development Yearbook" Launch Ceremony

中国国际暖通高峰论坛 - 首届国际热技术论坛

iHVAC - The 1st International Heat Technology Forum

中国供热 2024 年度新技术新产品发布会(点击查看详情)

Annual Cutting-edge Technology and New Product Launch

中国国际暖通高峰论坛 - 房建行业超低能耗建筑高峰论坛(点击查看详情)

iHVAC - Housing Construction Industry Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings Summit Forum

装饰设计师论坛 - 舒适人居设计(点击查看详情)

Decoration Designer Forum - Comfortable Home Design


Heating Industry Preventive Action Program and Energy-efficient Technology Innovation and Application Seminar

中国燃气采暖热水炉行业 G20 产品专区论坛(点击查看详情)

China Gas Wall-hung Boilers Industry G20 Products Section Forum


Comfortable Home Five-Constant System Development Forum


Technical Workshop on Clean Energy Heating Efficiency Improvement and Long-acting Operation in Northern Rural China (the 6th session)

2024 舒适家居赋能康养领域应用主题峰会(点击查看详情)

2024 Thematic Summit on Comfortable Home Enabled Applications in Healthcare and Health Preservation 


China Architecture & Building Academy Lecture

中国国际暖通高峰论坛 - 城镇供热设备更新和老旧管网改造工作研讨会(点击查看详情)

iHVAC - Workshop on Urban Heating Equipment Renewal and Obsolete Pipe Network 

Renovation Seminar

建国 75 周年城镇供热行业成果展示区(点击查看详情)

The China District Heating Industry Achievements Showcase



National Home Comfort System Skills Competition & Heating and Cooling System


Construction Skills Contest for Plumbers, Electricians and Heaters


海尔 - 海尔三翼鸟暖通招商发布会

Haier - Haier HVAC Investment Promotion Conference

海尔 - 海尔三翼鸟暖通大咖来了设计师圈层活动

Haier - Designer Sphere Event "Haier HVAC Masters Coming"

格力 - 格力空气能热泵招商峰会

Gree - Gree Air Energy Heat Pump Investment Promotion Summit

科诺 - 低氮排放、高效节能、智慧热能供给

Kenuo - Low-nitrogen Emission, Energy-Efficient, Smart Heat Supply

太阳雨 - 2024 太阳雨空气能选商财富峰会(北京站)

Sunrain - 2024 Sunrain Air Energy Dealer Selection and Wealth Summit (Beijing)

沃克 - 沃克集团财富峰会

Volks - Volks Group Wealth Summit

红热 - 红热燃烧器新品发布会 - 暨中科院层流燃烧技术应用分享会

HongRe - HongRe Burner New Product Launch-Sharing on Application of CAS Laminar Combustion Technology

欧微盟 - EMA 健康环境系统论坛

Europen greenMicroenvironment Alliance - EMA Healthy Environment System Forum

智博士 - 北方五恒系统落地打造及设计应用

Zhiboshi - Five-constant System Implementation, Design and Application in North China

京海 - 提升供热能效 助力双碳目标

Increase Heating Energy Efficiency in Support of the Dual Carbon Objectives

芬尼 - 芬尼 2024 北京招商会

PHNIX - PHNIX 2024 Beijing Investment Fair 

统一 - 统一品牌产品推介会

Tounite - Tounite Brand and Product Presentation

京兴能 - 京兴能热柜(相变储能采暖设备)专题推介会

Jingxing Energy - Jingxing Thermal Energy Cabinet (Phase Change Energy Storage Heating Equipment) Presentation 

欧贝多 - 高端定制生态六恒会

Aubeido - High-end Customized Eco-friendly Six-constant System Presentation